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» » Hairstyle Tips for Different Weather Conditions

It's no secret that weather determines how your hair is going to act. But there are good styling tips that will make sure that your hair looks great no matter what the weather is going to be. Here is how to weatherproof your hair.

1. The best way to fight humidity is to apply a light silicone product that will wrap strands in a layer of protection. After applying your silicone serum, use a wide-tooth comb to spread it evenly. At the end, blow dry your hair using the cold setting. For the reason that all silicone products can build up on the scalp, use apple-cider vinegar or some anti-residue shampoo from time to time.

2. If you live in a region where dry heat is normal thing, you need to use moisturizing products such as hair masks in the shower and styling cream before going out. Do not use flat iron on these hot days, wear your hair in natural way.

3. Cold air can also steal the moisture out of your hair, causing static electricity. The simple solution is to avoid washing your hair for two days or you can spray a leave-in conditioner .

4. On rainy days, avoid using waxes and gels, because hair will instantly flatten and become sticky. What you should do is use a lightweight styling spray that leaves behind no residue or buildup.

5. On high wind day, apply a gel before styling. Next, set your style with heat and wait a few minutes before you go out. Thanks to the gel's gentle hold, your hair will move with the wind. Once you enter a building, use your fingers to return to its original shape.

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Hi this is Sowmya Reddy . I love blogging, this blog, which is useful for both women and men in taking care of their Helath,Fitness,Appearance(which includes Hair,Skin,Face,Nail,Body Care). So keep visiting- keep "Yourself" Beautiful. Thank you.
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