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12 Homemade Dandruff Treatments & Shampoos

Before reading on about treating your dandruff at home, make sure you actually have dandruff. Chances are a good amount of the people visiting this page will actually have dry scalp, which differs from dandruff in symptoms and treatment. If you know you have dandruff, than read on. Below are 12 home remedies to help you kick the crusties.

1. Pour, Rinse, and Barely Repeat With Vinegar
Rinsing your hair with vinegar (specifically Apple Cider Vinegar or white vinegar) may sound like a dreadful idea, but it can be quite an effective way to treat dandruff because it actually addresses the root of the problem (pun very much intended.)Put simply, dandruff is the result of skins cells maturing and dying too fast, building up, and causing irritation. Vinegar will get rid of the unwanted skin that would flake off into dandruff, and it won’t clog up your pores or cause more. An overgrowth of fungus can also cause dandruff, and vinegar acts like a fungicide.  Using it is straightforward, simple, and is probably easier on your hair than some shampoos out there. Just don’t wash with it before a business meeting in a stuffy room-the biggest downfall is that your hair will smell like vinegar until you shower again (but it does go away.)

You will need…
-1/2 cup warm water
-1/2 cup ACV or white vinegar
-A cup

Mix together the warm water and vinegar in a cup. The total amount may be varied to be more or less depending on how much hair you have. Pour the mixture over your hair, scrub it around gently for several minutes, and then rinse it thoroughly with water (only water!) Wait about 8-12 hours before taking a normal shower. Repeat once every week or two weeks, depending on how often you feel you need it.
Apple Cider Vinegar for Dry Scalp
2. Break It Up With Baking Soda
Baking soda is just an all-around useful thing to have in the house. It plays a large part in a lot of natural home remedies, and for good reason-it usually works! It helps to remove dandruff for a number of reasons. First, it mildly exfoliates, which gets rid of the excess dead skin. It’s also kills off acts as a fungicide, and a common fungus that occurs on everyone’s scalp can cause dandruff if it becomes overly abundant. In addition, its tiny particles can be useful in actually removing those loose flakes stuck in your hair-instead of just breaking the pieces of skin up into smaller pieces.

You will need…
-1 tablespoon of baking soda
-1 cup of water
-A few drops of rosemary oil (optional)

Mix one tablespoon of baking soda to every one cup of warm water. If you’re using an old (clean) shampoo or soap bottle, shake up the mixture and apply generously. Otherwise, stir it before you use it. Do this in place of shampoo, daily if possible. Your hair may feel quite dry in the beginning, but its natural oils will restore themselves soon, and they will be much more balanced than when using some commercial shampoo. If you feel you absolutely must use shampoo (and really try the baking soda alone first if you can) you can add a teaspoon of baking to a handful of shampoo and use that instead. The rosemary oil is optional, but some people find rosemary helps dandruff and think it has a pleasant scent.

3. Have Fun With Fenugreek
Fenugreek is a plant that is used commonly as a spice, particularly in Indian cuisine; however it serves medicinal purposes as well. Fenugreek seeds have a composition that is rich in protein and amino acids, encouraging healthy hair/hair growth and warding off those wicked flakes in the process. A little bonus-its high concentration of lecithin (a natural emollient) can help make hair stronger overall, and many people find that it leaves their hair silky smooth and soft.

You will need…
-2 tablespoons of Fenugreek seeds (check a health food store if they aren’t at your grocery store)
-A bowl of water
-Something to grind the seeds with

Soak the seeds in 1-2 cups of water overnight. The next morning, grind them into a fine paste and apply to your scalp. Leave it applied for 30-45 minutes, then wash with mild shampoo or water.

4. Treat Your Scalp To Neem Leaves
Neem leaves (also an Indian herb) make a great all-natural home remedy for your dandruff. Their properties not only relieve itching, they act as an antifungal as well, inhibiting the over-growth of dandruff causing fungus. Be aware that some people find its smell to be overwhelming.

You will need…
-At least 2 handfuls of neem leaves
-4-5 cups of hot water

Add two handfuls of neem leaves to 4 or 5 cups of hot water. Let it stand overnight. The next morning strain the liquid and use it to rinse your hair. You can also try making a paste out of leaves, applying it to your scalp, and letting it sit for about an hour before washing it off with water.

5. Utilize Listerine
Listerine was actually created in 1879 by a doctor in Missouri and used as a powerful surgical antiseptic for dentists. When the good doctor sold it to a pharmaceutical company, it uses broadened and it became the first over-the-counter mouth wash ever sold in the United States. In the 1930’s and ‘40s, one its original purposes was also to fight dandruff. It may seem random, but consider that Listerine fights fungus, and one of the most common cause of dandruff is an overabundance of…you guessed it, fungus.

You will need…
-Listerine Mouthwash (preferably not green or blue as they might stain your hair)
-Spray bottle (optional)

Mix 2 parts water with 1 part Listerine. After you shampoo, spray or pour the solution onto your scalp, massage in well, and let sit for 30 minutes before rinsing with water.
Homemade Dandruff Shampoo

6. Get Some Sun
It’s not known exactly why, but there have been links between dandruff and exposure to sunlight. There have been many cases in which the severity of dandruff lessened when the afflicted person spent more time in the sun. It’s possible that instead of dry weather in the winter causing dandruff, it’s really the lack of sunlight. Maybe the light helps dry up some of the excess oil, or maybe getting a little time outside in the sun makes for a happier healthier human overall. Whatever the exact reason is, it’s something to try, and it’s probably one of the most straightforward home remedies you can try.

Spend at least 10-15 minutes out in the sunlight every day that you can. Make sure to limit your time though-too much sun and it’s UV rays can be harmful to your skin, hair, and health.

7. Take Some Aspirin
Aspirin can help with more than just headaches-it’s also an easy at-home remedy for dandruff. Pure Aspirin uses a large percentage of Salicylic Acid, which is an active ingredient in many commercial anti-dandruff shampoos. Salicylic Acid has fungicidal and anti-microbial properties to fight the extra flakes caused by fungus, while the Aspirin helps with the inflamed skin that often goes hand-in-hand with severe cases of dandruff.

You will need…
-2 white Aspirin tablets

Crush up the Aspirin until it becomes a fine powder. Add it to your regular shampoo before use, making sure to leave it in your hair for about 2 minutes before rinsing completely.

8. Eat Healthy
You knew it would be on here, somewhere. Eating healthy helps every aspect of your well-being. These days we’re learning more and more that diet is truly vital to our health, so it comes as no surprise that it would have some impact on skin conditions, including dandruff. Of course, food that is extremely fatty and/or unhealthy should be avoided-but that’s common knowledge whether you follow it or not. What you may not know it what to eat to help your scalp and why, so check out the list below of some foods you should aim to eat that may help you get rid of those pesky flakes-and keep them from coming back.
Veggies: Green leafy vegetables in particular impact how our skin behaves. It encourages healthy hair, skin, and nail growth, so shoot for stuff like broccoli, kale, and lettuce (NOT iceberg) to add to your diet.
Fish Oils: Fish oil can make a difference in the overall make-up of your skin. Taking fish oil supplements will not cure your dandruff, but it can help lessen its severity and/or prevent it.
Lean Proteins: To minimize dandruff, try eating more lean proteins. They help to build hair and skin and keep it coming in healthy. Aim for fish and non-meat proteins, such as eggs, nuts, and beans.

9. Take Advantage Of Lemons
Lemons have a tough reputation, but they might be able to shake it-if they help you shake the flakes first. The acidity in pure freshly squeezed lemon juice contains acids that can help break down the fungus that is often the cause of dandruff outbreaks. It’s also free from harsh chemicals and other unnatural ingredients that often do more harm than good to our hair and scalp-plus it leaves you smelling clean and fresh. So remember, the next time life gives you dandruff, give it lemons.

You will need…
-2 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice, divided
-1 cup of water

Massage 2 tablespoons of lemon juice into your scalp and let it sit for a minute. Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice into 1 cup of water and rinse your hair with it. Repeat daily until no longer needed.

10. Use Tea Tree Oil
While excess oil can be a root cause of dandruff, some oils can still be helpful in keeping it under control. Tea tree oil has been used medicinally for centuries. Aboriginals in Australia would pick the leaves of the tea tree plant and break them (much like we do with aloe) before using them as a topical treatment for burns, cuts, bites, and so on. The oil extracted from those leaves have fungicidal properties and it is overall soothing to the skin-especially when it is sore or itchy. Be aware that tea tree oil, while safe for topical use, should NOT be ingested under ANY circumstance.

You will need…
-1 tablespoon of tea tree oil
-1 cup of warm water
-A squirt bottle

Pour 1 tablespoon of tea tree oil into 1 cup of warm water in a squirt bottle. Shake well. After shampooing, spray the mixture all over your scalp, massage, and let it sit for a couple of minutes. Pat the excess moisture out, but don’t wash it out.
Tea Tree Oil Spray

11. Enjoy Aloe
Aloe Vera gel is synonymous with “ahhhhh…relief” in many people’s minds. While it may be used more commonly to help minor burns, it can also help give you relief from dandruff. It works because its constituents inhibit the process of skin cell proliferation. In other words, the stuff that makes it up slows down how fast your cells grow, and since dandruff often is caused by cells growing and dying too rapidly, the aloe can help restore them to normalcy.

You will need…
-1 bottle of Aloe Vera gel

Apply Aloe Vera gel to the scalp 15 minutes prior to washing your hair. After 15 minutes, shampoo and wash it as normal.
Aloe Vera

12. Salt It
Salt is something most of us have lying around, something we use every day. But did you know that it can also help get rid of dandruff? It’s slightly abrasive crystals will work as a natural exfoliator, getting off the extra oil and dead skin flakes. It is effective because it clears a path, if you will, for the shampoo which can sink in and work to its fullest potential. While rubbing salt on your scalp may not sound like spa treatment, it can actually feel quite pleasant, especially if your skin is itchy.

You will need…
-3 tablespoons of salt (Epsom salt works well if you happen to have it, but regular table salt is fine too.

Gently massage 3 tablespoons of salt into your dry or slightly dampened scalp for 2-3 minutes. Shampoo immediately afterwards.

If you’re not sure how you feel about washing your hair with some of the natural stuff used to treat dandruff, here are some tips that can still help you get rid of it at home.
1. Switch Up Shampoos
You find that one shampoo…that one anti-dandruff shampoo that finally works. Deep down, you know it’s the shampoo for you. Then, without any warning, it just…quits on you. The dandruff starts coming back, and it’s time to realize that you have to move on if you want to shake the flake. This isn’t uncommon-people often build up a tolerance to a shampoo and its active ingredient. If yours stops working abruptly this may be the case, so switch as soon as you can. To keep this from happening, switch up what you’re using every month or so. Find 3 different kinds of anti-dandruff shampoo, each with a different formulation, and rotate them to prevent them from becoming ineffective.
2. Obey The Law Of L.R.R.
Lather, rinse, repeat. We see it stamped on the back of shampoo bottles, but really, how many of us lather twice? I know most of the times that I have, it’s usually because I forgot I had already shampooed (embarrassing, I know.) That direction is there for a reason though-it allows the shampoo to work at its best and really do what it is supposed to do. Next time you’re in the shower, do an initial lathering before rinsing it off to get rid of most of the flakes and oil buildup. To really fight the dandruff, lather a second time and let it sit for 5 minutes. Then the shampoo can penetrate the skin cells fully and really go to work.
3. Shampoo More
Many people are of the belief that dandruff is caused by dry skin, and try to make up for this by shampooing less so as to not strip the skin of its natural oils. They may also use special shampoo for dandruff when they really have dry scalp, which will just dry it out even more. One of the biggest causes of dandruff is oily skin-that is why the skin flakes are often greasy, not dry. The best way to combat this is to shampoo more rather than less. Since that dandruff is a build-up or excess of rapidly maturing skin cells, scrubbing with shampoo can help get the itchy layer off naturally. It can also help ward off overgrowth of the Malassezia fungus.

Dandruff can seem like an unconquerable enemy, but there are a number of effective ways to manage it and lessen its severity- and not all of them have to involve harsh chemicals or an expensive trip to the dermatologist. The next time you get down about shaking the flake remember that a solution could be right in front of you, maybe even as close as the salt shaker on your dining room table.
12 Dandruff Remedies- to get rid of the flakes.

Dandruff Control Remedies

Dandruff Control Remedies

Dandruff is a common skin condition, generally affecting the scalp. This chronic scalp problem affects people all across the world, regardless of their age or gender; however, it is more common in children, teens and young adults.
Dandruff Picture
Dandruff is normally characterized by flaking and intense itching, which can cause you a lot of embarrassment. Though it is not a serious problem, people spend a lot of time and money trying to get rid of it. Some people experience low confidence and lack of self-esteem because they have dandruff and this has a considerable impact on their social life.
The good news is that you can control dandruff at home, with the help of an effective hair care routine as well as simple remedies. The treatment can sometimes be difficult and time consuming. In rare instances you may need to consult a doctor, who will probably prescribe a medicated shampoo to get rid of dandruff. Fortunately, this problem is not contagious and does not spread from one person to the other. However, it can recur, which is why you should continue the treatment, even after the dandruff has gone, to keep it from coming back.

Symptoms of Dandruff:

The signs and symptoms of dandruff are very easy to spot in most people. You will know that they have dandruff in case you notice:
  • Oily, white flakes of dead skin dotting your hair
  • Severe itchiness on the scalp
  • Frequent appearance of white dead skin on your clothes
Very often, people mistake seborrheic dermatitis for a case of dandruff, because their symptoms are quite similar. However, in the symptoms mentioned above, you will notice that in addition to red and swollen skin on the scalp, you may be suffering from a condition that is a bit more serious and requires immediate medical attention. Do consult a doctor if the itchiness worsens in spite of using the treatment options.

Causes of Dandruff:

There are several different factors that could lead to dandruff. This problem usually occurs when the skin on your scalp becomes excessively dry. However, some of us may also get dandruff because of skin that is too oily. Given below are some of the most common dandruff causes:
  • Dry Skin: Lack of adequate moisture in your skin causes it to become very dry, because of which it starts flaking and dead skin cells stay on the hair. Therefore, you may get dandruff mainly during the winter months.
  • Seborrheic Dermatitis: This is a skin condition that affects the oil glands, not only in your scalp, but also in the other parts of your body, like the sides of your nose, your eyebrows, your armpits, the groin area and the eyebrows. Seborrheic dermatitis is marked by greasy red skin, which is covered with yellow or flaky white scales.
  • Inadequate Hygiene: The skin on your scalp may start peeling and flaking if it is not shampooed frequently enough. The dead skin cells accumulate on the scalp and eventually lead to dandruff
  • Skin Disorder: Psoriasis, a common skin disorder, causes the dead skin cells to gather and form thick scales. The parts that are most affected by this condition include the knees, trunk, elbows and perhaps the scalp too. Eczema is another common disorder that could affect the skin all over your body, including your scalp.
  • Contact Dermatitis: Your scalp may itch and peel in case you are highly sensitive to certain ingredients in hair care products like shampoos, conditioners, dyes, gels, mousse and so on. An ingredient known as Paraphenylene Diamine (PDD), commonly used in hair products, causes the skin to itch and peel, which leads to dandruff.
  • Yeast Infections: A yeast-like fungus known as Malassezia often lives on the scalp of adults, without triggering off any problems. However, an overgrowth of this fungus can irritate your skin and increase the production of skin cells. The excessive skin cells then die and fall off, sticking to your hair or shoulders.
Dandruff could also sometimes occur because of factors like:
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Excessive stress
  • Lack of proper nutrition
  • Low immunity
  • Neurological disorders (such as Parkinson’s disease)
Some of the causes of dandruff are more serious than the others and need to be treated by a medical health care provider as soon as possible. Therefore, it is best that you consult a dermatologist or your family doctor if the dandruff does not go away in spite of treating it at home.

Remedies for Dandruff

Though dandruff treatment calls for some amount of patience and persistence, this problem can almost always be controlled.

How to get rid of dandruff at home?

The first step in getting rid of dandruff is daily cleansing of the hair, using a mild and gentle shampoo. In addition to daily shampooing, you could also try a few home remedies for dandruff, which include:
  • Yogurt: Take about half a cup of fermented yogurt and apply it on to your scalp thoroughly. Let the yogurt stay for at least an hour, before rinsing it off with water and a mild shampoo.
  • Vinegar: Add about 2 tablespoons of cosmetic vinegar to 6 tablespoons of hot water and apply the mixture on to your scalp. Cover your head with a piece of cloth and leave the solution on overnight. Wash your hair with warm water and shampoo the next morning.
  • Aloe Vera Gel: Extract some fresh gel from an Aloe Vera leaf and apply it on to your scalp. Leave the gel on for as long as possible, preferably overnight, before rinsing it off.
  • Ginger: Mix some ginger root in warm olive oil and apply it on to your head. This is one of the most effective dry scalp home remedies, which not only gets rid of dandruff, but also nourishes your hair.
Essential oils are also an important part of natural remedies for dandruff. Some of the herbal oils recommended for curing dandruff include:
  • Tea tree oil
  • Lavender oil
  • Rosemary oil
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Clary sage oil
  • Cypress oil
  • Basil oil
  • Thyme oil
  • Birch oil
Make sure that you dilute these essential oils in some plain water before applying it on to your scalp.
There are several brands of over-the-counter dandruff shampoos that are also quite effective in treating the problem. Medicated dandruff shampoos include:
  • Zinc pyrithione shampoo
  • Tar-based shampoo
  • Salicylic acid shampoo
  • Selenium sulfide shampoo
  • Ketoconazole shampoo
You may need to try a few different types of shampoos till you find the cure for dandruff that works for you. Massage the shampoo into the scalp thoroughly and leave it on for at least 5 minutes, before rinsing your hair. Once you notice a reduction in the dandruff, you can reduce the daily use to twice or three times a week.
Certain lifestyle changes may also help control dandruff to a great extent. These include:
  • Following a healthy and nutritious diet
  • Massaging the scalp with warm oil regularly
  • Maintaining strict hygienic measures
  • Practicing technique to reduce stress
  • Avoiding commercial hair styling products and devices
  • Scheduling regular appointments with hair care experts
  • Getting an adequate amount of rest and exercise during the day
While most of the natural remedies for dandruff mentioned above are quite safe if used correctly, it is best to consult a doctor before trying any of them.

Diet for Treating Dandruff

There is no specific diet that you need to follow, in order to prevent dandruff. However, some of us may be suffering from this problem, because of nutritional deficiencies in our diets. Given below is some dietary advice to keep the dandruff away:
  • Increase your intake of raw food, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and cereals. These foods boost your resistance to problems like dandruff
  • Make sure that your diet contains high amounts of foods rich in Vitamin B, Omega 3 fatty acids and zinc.
  • Cut down on your intake of red meat, oil, sweets, coffee, strong tea, junk and processed foods. Avoid eating candies, refined flour, baked items, pickles, condiments and salty snacks as far as possible.
  • Enhance the flavor of your food by adding fresh herbs to it instead of using strong and pungent spices
  • Opt for fresh sources of fruits and vegetables, instead of the frozen or canned varieties.
  • Eliminate alcohol from your diet completely.
While these recommendations are quite safe if followed correctly, it is best to check with a doctor before making any changes to your existing diet. Depending upon the cause and the severity of the problem, your doctor may also advise you to add a vitamin or nutritional supplement to your daily diet.

Suggestions for Dandruff

Dandruff is not a serious problem, though it can cause you to feel extremely self-conscious. Therefore, it is best to get it treated, as soon as possible. While it is not a medical problem that needs to be cured, simple remedies and medical hair treatment for dandruff can help control it to a great extent. If the home treatment options you use are not very effective in getting rid of dandruff, it is best to visit a dermatologist as soon as possible.
Once you manage to get rid of the dandruff, it is best to take preventative measure, so that it does not recur.

Dandruff(Home Made Remedies)

Dandruff can be an image disaster and confidence slayer.

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dandruff: Lemon wash

• Take peels of 3-4 lemons and boil them in 4-5 cups of water for approximately 15-20 minutes.

• Once it cools down, use this solution to wash your hair, at least once a week.

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dandruff: Fenugreek treatment

• Soak 2 tbsp. of fenugreek seeds (meethi) in water overnight and crush them into a fine paste next morning.

• Apply this paste to your hair and scalp for at least 30 minutes.

• Wash your hair thoroughly after 30 minutes. Follow this treatment for continuous four weeks, for best results.

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dandruff: Lemon juice massage

• Massage lemon juice on your scalp before going for a shower.

• Wash your hair thoroughly after 15-20 minutes.

• This treatment will help to remove stickiness, prevents dandruff and makes your hair look radiant.

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dandruff: Vinegar Treatment

• Prepare a mixture of equal amounts of vinegar and water. 

• Apply this on your scalp and leave it on overnight. 

• Wash your hair the next morning with a mild baby shampoo.

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dandruff: Dahi (yoghurt) solution

• Apply some dahi on your hair and scalp and keep it for at least one hour.

• Wash it off with a mild shampoo thoroughly. Do this at least twice a week.

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dandruff: Eggs for your hair

• Beat 2 eggs and apply the paste on your scalp and rinse it off after one hour.

• This treatment will assist in preventing dandruff and hair fall.

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dandruff: Warm oil massage

• Use lukewarm almond oil, coconut oil or olive oil to massage your scalp to prevent dandruff.

• Leave it on the scalp overnight.

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dandruff: Aloe vera miracles

• 20 minutes before you take a shower rub aloe vera gel on your scalp. 

• Leave on for full 20 minutes, and then wash your hair with a shampoo. 

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dandruff: Coconut oil 

• Mix 1 tbsp of lemon juice with 5 tbsp of coconut oil and then apply the mixture on the scalp.

• Leave this mixture for about 20-30 minutes and then wash it off with a good shampoo.

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dandruff: Save your scalp with apple

• Make a paste with equal quantities of apple and orange and apply it on the scalp. 

• Wash your hair after 20-30 minutes with a shampoo.

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dandruff : Neem leaves paste

• Crush some neem leaves to make a fine paste and apply it directly on to your dry scalp.

• Keep this paste for an hour and then clear it off using warm or cold water.

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dandruff: Tulsi magic

• Make a paste of tulsi and amla powder mixed with some water.

• Massage this paste on the scalp. Let it remain for half an hour. Wash the hair thoroughly with water and shampoo.

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dandruff # 13: Garlic for dandruff

• Take 2 tbsp of garlic powder and mix it firmly with 1 tbsp of lemon juice to make a fine paste.

• Apply this paste on your scalp and leave it for 30-40 minutes.

• Wash it off thoroughly with shampoo and cold water.

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dandruff: Reetha – natural dandruff treatment

• You can use reetha soap or make a fine paste using reetha powder and apply it on your scalp.

• Rinse it after two hours with cold water and shampoo.

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dandruff: Onion paste

• Apply some onion paste on your scalp. Leave it on for one hour.

• Wash it off thoroughly and apply some fresh lemon juice to get rid of the smell of the onion out of your hair.

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dandruff: Ginger and beetroot paste

• Grind some ginger and beetroot to make a paste. Massage your scalp with the paste and leave it overnight.

• Rinse it off thoroughly the next morning. Follow this routine for continuous 4-5 nights.

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dandruff: Besan therapy

• Apply some gram flour (besan) mixed with curd on your scalp. 

• Rinse after 20-30 minutes, with cold water.

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dandruff: Baking soda treatment

• While shampooing, add a handful of baking soda to your hair and massage your scalp.

• Rinse it off after 15-20 minutes.

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dandruff: Rosemary technique

• Mix vinegar in oil of rosemary leaves (squeeze them), and apply it on your scalp for 15-20 minutes.

• Rinse it off thoroughly.

• You can also apply mixture of rosemary oil and coconut oil to your scalp to treat dandruff.

Home Remedy to Get Rid of Dandruff # 20: Wash your hair regularly

Dandruff can be prevented by washing your hair regularly or every alternate day with these natural home remedies. Dandruff can be prevented with hair care treatments and thorough cleansing of the scalp.