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Easy, Natural Ways to Remove Facial Tanning

Anti-tan face pack

You can use various types of flours to make daily anti-tanning face packs. It is best to use jau (barley), gram or oats flour, as they exfoliate the skin in the most gentle and effective manner.
Try This Pack: One such face mask that is quite effective in removing sun tan can be made by mixing equal quantities of gram flour, lime juice and curd together. Apply this pack on your skin for few minutes, daily, for visible results.

Anti-tan face pack

Anti-tan face scrub

Exfoliating your skin with a natural face scrub, at least twice a week, is a good trick to get rid of the effects of sun tanning. Scrubbing helps to remove the dead and darker layer of the skin.
Try This Pack: To make an effective pack-cum-scrub at home, mix some sugar with an essential oil. Add a few teaspoons of honey and few drops of lemon juice to it. Mix the ingredients vigorously until they turn into a smooth-textured paste. Presence of honey and lemon ensure that the scrubbing doesn’t cause any harm to the skin, and vitamin C of lemon acts like an antiseptic for the skin.

Neutralise skin-darkening

To ensure that the skin-darkening effects of tanning are neutralised, you need to use a face pack aimed specifically at lightening your skin tone. The safest option is to use a turmeric and sandalwood pack. Both these ingredients are commonly found in many skin creams and are easily available.
Try This Pack: Take equal amounts of turmeric and sandalwood powder and mix them with some rose water. Keep this pack on your face for at least 25 minutes before rinsing it off.

Single ingredient for multiple benefits

Natural ingredients such as aloe vera and coconut oil are very effective on sun tanning and skin dryness. Apply some coconut oil to provide your skin a protective layer against sun damage. Apply some pure aloevera gel on your skin, during the night, to soooth the affected skin. Curd also works quite effectively on getting rid of the sun tan. Applying curd on the affected areas not only acts as a natural bleaching agent but also soothes your skin.

Keep away from tanning foods

This might come as a shock to you but there are certain foods that have skin tanning properties. These food items are commonly used by those who wish to get a natural skin tan. Some such common foods are:
Eggs- It is high in vitamin A and high-density Lipoproteins. A higher yolk intake and application has been adopted in various skin tanning formulas, in the West.
Carrots- Even though they are good for your diet, carrots contains carotene, which promotes skin colouration.

Protect your skin

Besides these natural anti-tanning remedies and precautions, the most basic and potent solution remains restricting your skin’s exposure to sunlight. Use everything at your disposal, such as wearing anti-glares, covering yourself with a hat or stole, or using an umbrella while in the sun. It is best that you avoid stepping out during afternoons, or choose to walk in shade when you are out. It is always better to be go for the precautions rather than searching for the cures.

About Author

Hi this is Sowmya Reddy . I love blogging, this blog, which is useful for both women and men in taking care of their Helath,Fitness,Appearance(which includes Hair,Skin,Face,Nail,Body Care). So keep visiting- keep "Yourself" Beautiful. Thank you.
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