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Make you skin soft with jello

Jello or Jelly depending on your location. Eating jelly will make your skin soft and silky. Vitamin E, flaxseed oil, olive oil and supplementing with iodine.

Cocoa Butter

Works like a charm. Will also get rid of wrinkles and stretch marks.

Aloe Vera Juice

For very dry cracked heels,dry hands, etc. I have found that Aloe Vera juice applied at room temperature with a cotton ball or put it in a small spray bottle and spray it on. Allow it to dry thoroughly.(It does not take long). The Aloe Vera dries up the cracked skin for easy removal. Follow this with Suave Natural Oatmeal Body Lotion, this is the best lotion I have found for long lasting hydration. The Aloe Vera juice can be purchased in any health food store, just be sure that it is pure. The Suave Natural Oatmeal Body Lotion can be purchased at most stores and is inexpensive. You may also want to consider drinking the Aloe Vera juice for extra hydration among other health benefits. This is the first remedy that I have found that works for me and I have tried many. I use the Suave Natural Oatmeal Body Lotion on my legs, arms, etc. and it works well for these areas as well. 

Dry Skin from Old Age!

Okay, I admit I'm getting older, but my dry skin is a shock! My heels get dry and cracked, my legs look like snake skin, and my dry hands and wrinkled face feel tight all the time. 

I have tried Ponds, olive oil, baby oil, and all kinds of lotions. No help! I need some kind of moisturizer! 

Then I realized dry skin is just a build up of dead skin. I can take a shower, and when I get out, dry my feet and the excess skin just wants to come right off. No pumice stone is needed really, just a light rubbing, and if your callouses are really thick then use a small cheese grater to remove dead skin and callouses.

As for my legs, you are going to probably freak when you hear this, but I was in a Farm store and found a brush in the "horse" section called a hoof brush. I bought it because I needed a good hairbrush, but found out it is great for brushing the flaking skin off your legs... then apply a moisturizer. No more snake skin!

As for my face and hands, in this same store, I found a tube of Skin Therapy Cream, made by Outdoor Hands. This is a great moisturizer, I'm glad I bought 2 tubes. It has shea butter, wheat germ oil, hemp seed oil, grapefruit seed oil, and other natural ingredients. Maybe you can find it online.


Most of the time you lack water. Half of your body weight is what you need in a day in oz.

Dry Skin Regimen

I've lived with eczema most of my life. It was so horrible I had strong medicines to clear up my worst outbreaks that would crack and bleed. 

1. First thing you should try is to change your showering habits. Your water should not be hot but at least body temperature. The cooler the better. If you tend to get cold try getting a space heater and super heating your bathroom before showering that way it will be a relief to have a cool shower. 

2. Second, Your soap should not be abrasive. Most people like to get exfoliant body washes and if you have dry skin that's not a great idea. Try Aveno body wash or if your skin is really dry use Cetaphil body cleanser. Note: Cetaphil is a gentle cleanser that does not sud. It's like watered down lotion, but works great. If you have the money to blow then have a milk and honey bath with oatmeal-not the instant kind. IF you want to exfoliate the skin do what's called Dry Brushing. It's when you take a body brush(ex. back brush) made with natural fibers and BEFORE you get in the shower you brush the skin. It can make your skin tender the first few times. Be careful not to brush too hard or you can scratch yourself up.

3. When you are finished with your shower DO NOT DRY OFF-use Olive Oil all over your body. By the time you cover yourself in oil the left over water will have dried. Do this before you get out of your shower/tub. The steam will keep your pores open while you apply. Once your body feels the cooler air your pores will automatically begin to close. Thus keeping anything you apply on the top of the skin instead of being absorbed immediately.

I hope this works for you. All I can say is that ever since I've been doing this. I have not had to go back to the doctor for anymore meds for my skin!!

Hot Mittens Treatment for Dry Hands

Apply hand lotion liberally to dry hands. Wrap each hand in Saran Wrap, then wrap a heating pad (low to medium setting) around your hands. Allow your hands to soak up the moisture and the heat for 10 - 20 minutes. Repeat the process if hands are not soft and smooth. If your heating pad is the standard size, you will have to wrap it around one hand at a time. ENJOY! 

Unsalted Butter

I've tried rubbing many things into my dry hands from Crisco to Vaseline to veggie oil, but none have offered as much relief as butter. Applying it is as easy as buttering toast.

I also recommend running a humidifier (esp. at night). This will give your dry skin a chance to actually heal.

Shea Butter

Pure shea butter works like a charm. Your skin won't be oily or greasy.

Dry Skin

Soak Almonds in a small amount of water for 60 min, add honey and milk creme. Make a paste and apply. Leave on affected area for at least 20 minutes! It works!! Use Almond oil after shower or bath, it instantly relieves dry skin and is not as thick as olive oil, but olive oil can be used as well!

Natural Oil for Dry Skin

Beginning of winter worried about flaky dry skin? Moisturizers not working then try this once a week
-Apply natural coconut oil or aloe oil before bath
-Take a short warm water bath
-Dab your skin dry
-Apply moisturizers and wear full cloths so skin will retain and suck in the moisturizers and maintain the mild perfume on ur skin to linger your loved ones... 

Best OTC Skin Cream for Dry, Cracked Skin

Popular in the mountain desert community where I live, Aquaphilic with Carbamide 10% is an economical and effective way to treat dry skin.

It is especially effective in healing cracks around fingernails and the bottom of the feet. I have used this particular formula for 12 years.

Aquaphilic with Carbamide 10% is an over-the-counter product sold mostly at pharmacy counters. If your local pharmacy doesn't carry it, ask to special order it. Be sure to specify the Carbamide 10%.

For a 16-ounce jar, expect to pay around $13. It lasts a long time.

Neutrogena Body Emulsion Lotion

Neutrogena Body Emulsion is the only lotion I have ever used that works for me and I have tried them all. Tea Tree oil soap also helps and its the only soap I'll use and my skin is extremely dry especially in the winter, it cracks but not anymore.

Bathing habits

Dry skin is worse in the winter time, and can easily be helped by showering or bathing less often, and/or taking shorter showers with cooler water.

A doctor told me long ago that we wash away our natural oils by over-showering or bathing. I still shower daily, just quicker and cooler.

Saves water and energy too! 

Cure for dry skin

After you're bath apply lotion to parts on your body that get dry but do it while still wet from your shower, it hydrates the skin. 

Solution for sensitive skin

Oil based products WILL not help if you apply them to an acne prone face.

When I moved to an are with high altitude, and drier air, my face, hands, and legs ALL became scaly and dry.

For my face I used a gentle green tea moisturizer, applying it as soon as my face began to feel tight or itchy. Natural products will always be the best, and the safest.

My hand and legs I gently scrubbed with warm water and a wash cloth. After a soft towel dry, I applied a Shea butter lotion. I would suggest doing this right before you go to bed, then sleeping with long pants and gloves to prolong the effectiveness of the shea butter. 

For acne prone skin...DO NOT rub, or touch your face after applying the shea butter. You will experience break outs.

Wash your hands before touching face.

Dry skin ? Check Thyroid

Many times the extreme dryness in your skin can point to a systemic problem. Many vitamin deficiencies can cause this. I know a lady who has battled severely dry skin most of her life and she finally ended up with cellulitis because of the cracking and she went to a doctor and he asked if she had been tested for thyroid issues and found out that she has an underactive throid. 

Dry skin-relief that works

I use Glove'n Care hand cream on every inch of my body that dry skin appears. It is great for getting rid of my dry hands caused by the constant hand washing I do at school. I also use it on my elbos and behind my knees when my eczema flares up. It really works and i find a tube lasts me roughly2-3 months! It is made from the natural waters of the dead sea and has a ton of natural oils in it.

Glycerin soap

Glycerin soap made from vegetable oils won't dry your skin and it rinses off completely. So the skin stays soft and it's great for people with skin problems,such as exzema. keeps flares at bay. The brand name soaps don't rinse off therefore drying the skin and aggravating the rash. (any pharmacy).

Glycerin soap

Glycerin soap is 100 percent vegetable soap that totally rinses off. All the other brand names, don't rinse off, that's why skin gets dry. Also drink a couple of cups of ginseng tea per day, you'll not only notice less dry skin, but also softer hair. But don't drink it at night, or you won't get to sleep any time soon. Glycerin soap is available in any dollar store.

Vaseline and Tea Tree Oil

First you must judge what KIND of dryness it is. How long have you had it?Could it get infected if its a deep crack? For deep cracks use tea tree oil.It will heal the skin but not the dryness.Vaseline does that. Yes, its a bit greasy but it is quite simply, one of the best.I usually use a combination of tea tree oil first with some vaseline ontop.

Natural Cure For Dry Skin - Pure Sea Buckthorn Oil

Pure sea buckthorn oil works wonders for all sorts of dry and sensitive skin conditions such as eczema and rosacea.

Most sea buckthorn oil products don't contain a very high percentage of sea buckthorn oil but I have found somewhere to buy it online that does not dilute it.

It must be applied all over the face and left on over-night. Works wonders at regulating and re-balancing your skins own production of lipids as well as healing skin damage.

Emu oil

Use as any other lotion or oil, lard is also excellent because it is the only oil that soaks into all the layers of skin.

Dry elbows???

Rub a fair amount of lard or shortening on your elbow, cut the bottom of a sock off and put it over the lard. Leave it on for about an hour or longer, wipe/wash off.
It works... I do it!!

Dry Skin Remedy

use olive oil for dry skin or add it to a bath and soak.

Virgin coconut oil

I used to have a very dry skin due to my work and sports which needed to be on the sun of all the time.
My wife used to buy a virgin coconut oil for her hair so she decided to put it first on my elbow and after a few days my skin turned out to be OK and after a few weeks my dry skin were no way to be seen any more I hope some readers will try this because I bet you it really works its a miracle!!! 

Dry Chapped Skin or Lips

Can you believe they want $2.00 for a little stick of chapstick? Why not use a little vaseline for relief? Vaseline does not absorb into the skin.

For chapped and dry hands, if you have the ingredients, apply glycerin and lemon juice in equal amounts and leave overnight.

You can also rub lotion on your hands and wear gloves to bed, like surgical gloves. In the morning, oh... what soft hands. I need to do this treatment to my feet somehow.

To keep your face from chapping in winter, apply a little vaseline to your cheeks and nose before going outside.

About Author

Hi this is Sowmya Reddy . I love blogging, this blog, which is useful for both women and men in taking care of their Helath,Fitness,Appearance(which includes Hair,Skin,Face,Nail,Body Care). So keep visiting- keep "Yourself" Beautiful. Thank you.
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