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Do Certain Foods Cause Whiteheads?

Whitehead Acne
Acne is a skin disorder that causes hair follicles under the skin to become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. Acne can form anywhere, but mostly appears on the face, neck and back. While it is most common in teenagers, anyone can develop acne. While the exact cause of acne is unknown, MedlinePlus reports consuming oily and fatty foods or chocolate contributes to the cause; it is also thought to be caused by hormonal changes. There are several medications and skin cleaners to help with acne, but a healthy diet is the primary treatment to clear up your acne.
The body's follicles are each attached to a gland called the sebaceous gland. This gland secretes oil to keep the skin and hair lubricated. When the follicle opening is plugged with excess oil or dead skin cells, the secretion of this oil is blocked, causing a whitehead. Should this follicle become infected, a raised red bump with a whitehead, or pimple, may form.

Whitehead Acne Causing Foods

Foods that are spicy, greasy and fatty may cause whitehead acne; dairy products and sweets, such as sugar and chocolate, may also contribute to breakouts, according to Bob Dorris, doctor of oriental medicine. While the connection between food and acne has not clearly been established, there appears to be at least a weak correlation between the two, according to the Mayo Clinic. If you are susceptible to whitehead acne, you may want to experiment with foods to see if they contribute to breakouts. Pizza, French fries, onion rings and chicken wings may taste good, but they may also be what are causing whitehead acne to break out.

    Food Allergies

    While it is not clear what causes food allergies to occur, the allergies often cause whitehead acne to occur. In fact, according to Dr. Stephen Wanger, who specializes in food allergies, the No. 1 cause of acne is food allergies; dairy products being the biggest culprit. When allergic to a certain food, the body may react to its presence as it would bacteria or virus; this may lead to skin inflammations that result in acne.

      Acne Diet

      According to Dr. Dorris, just as there are foods that cause whitehead acne, certain foods help prevent breakouts. To decrease the risk of acne, your diet should include lightly cooked vegetables, wheat-free grains and small servings of protein each day. Since fruit is high in natural sugar, you should enjoy it sparingly. Other foods to minimize include dairy, caffeine, processed foods and foods that contain sugar. Drinking water will also help your body flush out toxins that could cause acne.

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      Hi this is Sowmya Reddy . I love blogging, this blog, which is useful for both women and men in taking care of their Helath,Fitness,Appearance(which includes Hair,Skin,Face,Nail,Body Care). So keep visiting- keep "Yourself" Beautiful. Thank you.
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