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Some hints to control kidney stones or stones related to urinary tract.

Some hints to control kidney stones or stones related to urinary tract

There are many causes for this problem of stones.There are various varities of stones.They may be uric acid crystals,calcium oxalate crystals,Cystine stones and many more varities of stones.The problem of urinary calculi is more comman in males than in females.The ratio is 3:1.

The urinary stones are of different sizes and shapes.They may be samll as sand or large as a marble.They may have smooth surface or a cutting edge and rough.The small stones of the size of about-4-5 cmm pass of easily and requires no medication.They may even remain unidentified of a long time.But those larger and with irregular surface often causses pain when they dislocate from its position ,and when thrown out of the body.

Causes and measures for thier prevention:
-First and most comman cause is reduced intake of water.Most of us do not take enough amount of water.An healthy indivisual should consume atleast 2-3 litres of water in a day.So this should be the first step to be taken to avoid the reccurance and even as a prevention for urinary stones.One who are already facing the problem i advice them to increase the volume of water intake to atleast 2-3 times from before.

-IF one with holds the urge of urination and retains it in the bladder for long time in due course it will result in the formation of Calculi[stone].This may be due to work or circumstances.This is a bad habbit and causes various other problems like pain in the lower abdomen,infections of urinary tract,headache etc.Hence never try to with hold the urge of micturation for too long.


Next consuming execcive salt and mineral rich diet.Lemme tell you excess of anything is always harmful.So reduce intake of such food articles.Take a balanced diet.

Execive intake of green leafy vegetables which are rich sources of calcium and many otherminerals and salt is not advisable,Cabbage must be avoided as much as possible.Even cucumber should not be taken too much.Once in 10-15 days is ok.


Ask pateint to take excessive fluids in his diet,barley water is a very good medicine.

-Following a sedentary life style is also a cause for the urinary calculi

-The risk increases in those who comsume lots of legumes and pulses and also those who take it very often.


The juice extracted from the stem of banana plant is the best medicine.It crushed the stones and removes it out from the tract and eliminates it out from the body.The reason is its rich in fibers and has got a medicinal property to crush the stones.
The stem of banana plant taken in any form is very helpful in this case..Even the juice from the roots of banana plant is beneficial
- consuming banana daily also acts as a preventive measure.

-Even the atmospheric conditiond contribute to the formation of stones.Eg- living in tropical regions,i.e-where the temperature is very high there the concentration of uric acid increases and exessive sweat leads to reduction of water levels in the body.If the person does'nt take enough water it will leads to stones formation in the urinary tract.

-People working in mines are much prone to such problems.

-People working in office with AC will naturally tend to sweat less and inturn lead to reduced intake of water which also leads to this problem again.

-Exessive intake of spicy food and sodium rich food is also a cause for this

- intake of execess of salt in the diet is also harmful.

-Avoid execcive intake of non vegetarian food ,spicy food and sour tastes in food.

Benefits of Coconut Oil - An Ayurvedic Miracle

Benefits of Coconut Oil - An Ayurvedic Miracle

Coconut oil has been described as "the healthiest oil on earth." That is quite a remarkable statement associated with this natural and humble oil.

Wherever coconut palms grow, the people there understand the value of the food and medicine derived from the fruit. For centuries people have respected the curative properties of coconut oil.

The Scientific Name:

Cocos nucifera is the scientific name for coconut. Spanish explorers called it coco which means “monkey face” as it has three indentations on one end of the fruit, added to which long hairy fiber resembles a monkey. Nucifera literally means “nut – bearing”.

This oil which is a rich source of fiber, minerals and vitamins has more than ninety percent saturated fats. The saturated fats in coconut oil occur naturally and are not the artificially created fats through the man made process known as hydrogenation. In his studies he found that the people of South Pacific Island thrived on a diet high in coconut and even then, had excellent cardiovascular health, with no clogged arteries.

Lauric acid, a compound found in coconut oil, is also present in mother’s milk. It helps to build the new born baby’s immune system. It is also a rich source of medium chain triglycerides.

There are several health benefits of coconut oil, both when used topically and also when consumed internally.

Hair Care:

Coconut oil is applied on the scalp and hair extensively in India, as it prevents dandruff when massaged on a dry scalp. It nourishes damaged hair and is used as a conditioner.

Skin Care:

Massaging the body and face with coconut oil delays wrinkles and sagging skin. It helps in curing problems like psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and dry flaky skin. This oil is the basic ingredient for many expensive products like soaps, shampoos, creams and lotions.

Weight Loss:

Coconut oil stimulates the metabolism and improves thyroid function while it also removes the stress on the pancreas. As this oil contains short and medium range fatty acids it helps in keeping off excessive weight. According to a study in the journal “Lipids”, 40 women are said to have lost belly fat when given coconut oil in their diet along with an exercise regimen.

Heart Health:

Coconut oil although very high in saturated fats, contains 50% of lauric acid which prevents high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Unlike other vegetable oils it does not lead to increased LDL levels. It reduces the incidence of injury to arteries which will prevent atherosclerosis.


The saturated fats in coconut oil prevent growth of fungi and parasites that cause indigestion and related problems like irritable bowel syndrome. It helps in absorption of amino acids, vitamins and minerals.


When applied on wounds and cuts, coconut oil forms a shield, consequently preventing the entry of dust, bacteria and virus. It speeds up the healing process while repairing damaged tissue.

Coconut Oil for Cooking:

Olive is best for salad dressings – but unstable on heating, as a result he found coconut oil best for cooking. According to him the polyunsaturated fats like corn, soy, safflower, sunflower and canola, when heated produced toxins as well as trans-fats. The only oil that is stable enough to withstand high temperatures while cooking is coconut oil.